Bodrum Cuisine

Bodrum Cuisine

Bodrum Cuisine

Being a sea town, Bodrum is very similar to Mediterranean cuisine, but Bodrum has its own flavors and dishes. In Bodrum, where Turkish and Greek culinary cultures have become a mixture, you will find interesting but delicious dishes in the kitchens. for example, fish soup made from scorpion or red snapper, delicious fish salads made from small fish, a dish made with a herb called bitter herb and eggs, which are frequently consumed by Bodrum residents, salad made from mustard and many other similar dishes, as well as pastry made with many herbs. varieties, lokma desserts have an important place in Bodrum cuisine. To see what can be made from seafood here, it is necessary to drink it in octopus soup. Since the region is also engaged in olive cultivation, olive oil produced at home is used in the kitchens.

Bodrum has also brought many plants that are not produced and grow freely in nature into its kitchen. Wonders are created with plants such as mustard grass, loop grass, Köremen, mountain lettuce, and chard leaves. For example, stuffing zucchini flowers, which is obtained by collecting zucchini flowers very early in the morning and filling them before the flowers close, is enough to describe the sensitivity in the kitchen.

Çökertme Kebab and Aegean Eggplant are also among the flavors unique to Bodrum, you should not leave without tasting.

Mediterranean cuisine

Mediterranean cuisine is a culture where red meat is used very little. Wonderful dishes created with seafood and vegetables are made with olive oil, which is also heavily consumed by the region.

There is everything necessary for a healthy life in the Mediterranean Cuisine. The rich vegetation reveals a variety of dishes made from different plants in various parts of the Mediterranean. Red meat, which dominates the kitchens in other regions of Turkey, is processed less in homes than in other regions. because the sea taught the people of the Mediterranean to eat right and gave them the opportunity.

In this region, you will encounter dishes that you will never see in your country and that you will not taste anywhere else. Even vegetables that are familiar to you will come before you with flavors that will make you jealous of the most delicious dishes you have ever tasted.

Being a sea town, Bodrum is very similar to Mediterranean cuisine, but Bodrum has its own flavors and dishes. In Bodrum, where Turkish and Greek culinary cultures have become a mixture, you will find interesting but delicious dishes in the kitchens. for example, fish soup made from scorpion or red snapper, delicious fish salads made from small fish, a dish made with a herb called bitter herb and eggs, which are frequently consumed by Bodrum residents, salad made from mustard and many other dishes, as well as many other dishes made with herbs. Pie varieties and lokma desserts have an important place in Bodrum cuisine. To see what can be made from seafood here, it is necessary to drink it in octopus soup. Since the region is also engaged in olive cultivation, olive oil produced at home is used in the kitchens.

Bodrum has also brought many plants that are not produced and grow freely in nature into its kitchen. Wonders are created with plants such as mustard grass, loop grass, hemlock, Köremen, mountain lettuce, and chard leaves. For example, stuffing zucchini flowers, which is obtained by collecting zucchini flowers very early in the morning and filling them before the flowers close, is enough to describe the sensitivity in the kitchen.

Çerkertme Kebab and Aegean Eggplant are also among the flavors unique to Bodrum, you should not leave without tasting.

Sea ​​products

If you crave fish in Bodrum, where blue and green reigns, you can try one of the hundreds of fish restaurants. It can be difficult for you to choose from a variety of foods made from hundreds of different kinds of seafood.

Bodrum is very rich in terms of fish restaurants and offers a wide variety of seafood cuisine.

Grills, meals, soups, salads made from fresh seafood daily are very delicious.

Don't forget that raki with fresh fish, squid, octopus and shrimp is something else in Bodrum.

Sea urchins...

While the females of the sea urchins are collected by professional fishermen, special care is taken not to collect the fry. In addition, it is stated that it is more appropriate to collect the chestnut eggs, which are scattered on windy days, a few days after the sea becomes stagnant. Sea urchins, the fearful dream of our childhood, with olive oil and lemon are actually a delicious taste.

Healing in Nature

The Aegean is famous for its dishes made from herbs that grow freely in nature. Bodrum has a cuisine that cannot be ignored in this regard. Although these plants are very important on the table, it is believed that they solve many health problems and are useful for some diseases.

These plants are used in various ways in the healing of hard-to-heal wounds, in the treatment of seasonal diseases, and for diseases that take a long time to treat.

When you come to Bodrum, these herbs, which you can find in herbalists or spice shops, are dried and preserved. Uses and hang You can get information that they are good for diseases from the places where you buy these plants, or you can learn about the plants that will benefit your ailment.

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